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Five Days Of Hard Drugs & Amazing Sex At Rehab

Timothy Kincaid


Addiction is a real disease. If you would have told me twenty years ago I would have laughed in your face. My opinion was addiction is for weak-minded, persons unable to control their vices.

Twenty years later and my wish is I would have taken advantage of the many opportunities to receive help seriously. My relationships, career, and freedom could have been spared. This is one my many Bad Decisions.

I am two days away from meeting my Parole Officer. He informs me that if I didn’t pass this drug test, he will place me in the County Jail for a three-day dip.

Since I require at least a half gram of heroin daily so as not to get sick, there is no way I’m passing a drug test. My only option is to call the Crisis Hotline.

This service is used to get an immediate check-in at the nearest Rehab Center to detox. I couldn’t imagine spending three days in County Jail detoxing. Those motherfuckers just let you lie in your cell miserably.

As a functioning addict, I think ahead, not trusting what the facility uses to help you detox from Heroin. I call Pastor Greg, my best customer, and leader of Mount Nebo Baptist Church. The good preacher purchases $100 of Meth from me every day.



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