As always you are spot on when it comes to your take on America. I always burst into laughter to keep from crying about your observations.
*Hey Sugar, would like some sugar for your sugar. Only in America are the poor people fat.
*The Police. Where else could a popular song in a country be called F*CK The Police. Only in America.
*Religion. The Founding Fathers aka slave owning white dudes big thing was the separation of Church & State. However, religion is the politics of our great country.
*Finally, the greatest country God ever formed on the planet earth. We are a great ISM Country. Racism, Sexism, Patriotism, Classism, Mysogyism. Ok, the last one isn't a word but you get my meaning.
The beautiful state of being delusional. United States of Delusional America. Thanks again for your amazing articles.