I am a fan of all three. I've loved Ciara's talent as a singer/performer since she was a teenager. Future's music is unique and is from his own perspective. Look, as a content creator, our best work comes from what we know best. Much respect to Future.
Russell Wilson is one of the best QB's in the NFL. I've loved his game since his days at NC State.
The problem I have is with the slave mentality of the Haters on the podcast. To think Ciara only goes for Russell because of his money is an insult to Ciara, aka, black women.
She is fine as hell, I'm pretty sure she never had a problem getting a man. Russell Wilson is a handsome young man, rich, and an elite NFL QB.
These former has beens and never was display the slave mentality of hating another nigga for what he's attained.
It goes both ways, the field nigga's hate, just as much as the house nigga. Either way they're the nigga's I have the problem with. (Notice I don't use their names.) Not Future, Ciara, or Russ.