Member-only story
How Roe v Wade Ruined My Life
I wish we didn’t have a choice.
Bree comes out with the test. It has a plus sign showing a positive result. My Love has tears in her eyes.
“I know we can’t have a baby right now,” she sobs.
I take her hand.
“I love you, Bree Bree.”
“I love you Timmy.”
We kiss passionately, as if each other’s saliva is air.
We plan to leave for Charlotte early Saturday morning. It’s going to cost $385. I have a couple hundred from mowing lawns and Bree can get a couple hundred from her checking account. Candice will cover gas, since she will drive us.
We arrive at our destination around 8 am and park on the street. As we approach the nondescript building, it’s as though they are having a Pep Rally. People are everywhere.
We walk down the sidewalk leading to the entrance. Advocates and Protestors line each side, trying to get our attention, attempting to hand out flyers and competing pamphlets.
The protestors shout “Don’t Kill Your Baby! Save a Life Today!”
The advocates scream: “It’s Your Body! It’s Your Choice!”
Each side holding enormous posters. Cute chubby babies at one end. Dead fetuses on the other. The…